Hong Kong Museum of Art (2024)

  • Overview
  • Audios
  • Programme


  • Date


  • Venue

    The Special Gallery, 2/F

  • Fee

    $30 (Standard)│$21 (Group)│$15 (Concessionary)│Free (Museum Pass)

Solely sponsored by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust
Jointly presented by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department and the MiC - Italian Ministry of Culture
Jointly organised by the Hong Kong Museum of Art and The Uffizi Galleries
In collaboration with the Consulate General of Italy in Hong Kong
Supported by The Italian Cultural Institute in Hong Kong
A programme of ITALIA on STAGE

With its labyrinth of intricate canals and gondolas, Venice during the Renaissance was a picture of serenity. As the shimmering waves from the canals intertwine with the haze of the romantic hues reflected from the surrounding architecture, the lingering elegance and splendour of the city was ever more present. Once an important trading and cultural hub, the enchanting lagoon city brought together merchants, voyagers, scholars and artists from all over the world. It was from this affluent setting and unique cultural atmosphere that came the birth of the Venetian School of painters, who were renowned for the use of rich colours and the profound depiction of human emotions through exceptional artistic abilities.

The most significant among them was Titian, an artist highly sought after not only in Venice but across Europe. He was the favoured painter of popes, emperors and princes because of his talent for representing the most intense facets of human sentiment love, desire, power and spirituality in an extraordinary way. He served as a model for his contemporaries and his works profoundly influenced European art for centuries to come.

This exhibition showcases the world-renowned collection of the Uffizi in Italy, featuring classic works by Titian and other Venetian master painters, such as Giorgione, Tintoretto and Veronese. Highlight exhibits include Titian’s Flora and Venus and Cupid with a Dog and a Partridge, Giorgione’s Moses Undergoing Trial by Fire, Tintoretto’s Venus, Cupid and Vulcan and Veronese’s Baptism of Christ among others. All 50 exhibits are displayed in Hong Kong for the first time, many of which have never been previously exhibited in Asia.

The Hong Kong Museum of Art invited artists Leung Chi Wo and Chan Kwan Lok to draw inspiration from the Venetian School and create new art installation and ink paintings with meticulous brushwork respectively. Through the unique perspectives of these 21st-century Hong Kong artists, an artistic dialogue spanning centuries was initiated with the 16th-century Italian Renaissance masters.

All images in this website
©Photographic Department, The Uffizi Galleries─By permission of the MiC - Italian Ministry of Culture

Leung Chi Wo Tears of Tempo A Site-specific Art Installation
Chan Kwan Lok The Connection with Nature Ink Art Installation

Tickets for the exhibition are available up to 7 days in advance at all URBTIX outlets and self-service ticketing kiosks at HKMoA or other designated locations on a first-come, first-served basis. Holders of valid Museum Passes can enjoy free admission to this exhibition.

Application for and renewal of Museum Passes: https://www.museums.gov.hk/en/web/portal/museum-pass.html

For internet booking and distribution of self-service ticketing kiosks: www.urbtix.hk

Telephone Booking: 3166 1288

Mobile App Booking:

Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.lcsd.urbtix.maoyan&hl=en-us

Apple App Store: https://apps.apple.com/hk/app/urbtix/id1573718637

To apply for free group guided tour, please click here.

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View Floorplan


  • 500Exhibition Overview

  • Hong Kong Museum of Art (1)501Madonna of Mercy

  • Hong Kong Museum of Art (2)502Madonna and Child, with Saint John the Baptist, Saint Louis of Toulouse, and the two patrons Giovanni Bevilacqua Lazise and Lucrezia Malaspina Bevilacqua Lazise

  • Hong Kong Museum of Art (3)503The Miracle of the Slave

  • Hong Kong Museum of Art (4)504Flora

  • Hong Kong Museum of Art (5)505The Rape of Europa

  • Hong Kong Museum of Art (6)506Portrait of Tommaso Mosti

  • Hong Kong Museum of Art (7)507Venus and Cupid with a Dog and a Partridge

  • Hong Kong Museum of Art (8)508Venus, Cupid and Vulcan

  • Hong Kong Museum of Art (9)509Portrait of Emperor Charles V

  • Hong Kong Museum of Art (10)510Moses Undergoing Trial by Fire



“The Hong Kong Jockey Club Series: Titian and the Venetian Renaissance from the Uffizi” Special Programmes

【Public Talk】
Day 1 (Concluded)
Session 1
Representing Silk: The Venetian Painting of Light and Colour

Dr Isabelle Frank, Consulting Curator of the Indra and Harry Banga Gallery of The City University of Hong Kong, will discuss the portrayals of silk in Venetian paintings. Her talk will focus on how Titian and his fellow Venetian painters used their specific talents in the depictions of silk, a luxurious and costly fabric that reflected one’s social status.

Session 2
Unravelling Titian’s Role as a Court Painter of Charles V
Dr Astrid Harth, Assistant Professor of Art History at the Department of Chinese and History of the City University of Hong Kong, will discuss Titian’s role as a court painter of Charles V. Her talk guides audiences to take a closer look at the set of duties that Titian was expected to fulfill at the Habsburg court as the emperor’s principal portraitist.

Date: 2024.01.13(Saturday)
Time: 2:30–3:30 pm (Session 1); 3:30–4:30 pm (Session 2)
Venue: The Hall, 1/F, Hong Kong Museum of Art
Speakers: Dr Isabelle Frank and Dr Astrid Harth
Language: English
Fee: Free
Seats for each session*: 80
*Enrollment is not required. Seats available on a first-come, first-served basis.

Day 2 (Concluded)

Session 1
Mapping the Global Renaissance: Production and Consumption of Visual Geographical Knowledge in the Age of Titian
Dr Marco Caboara, Senior Lecturer in the History of Cartography and the History of Science at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, will deliver a lecture on 16th-century Venice as the trading hub and centre of book printing and map production in Europe in the Age of Titian, and how Europeans at the time came to understand world geography, in particular the geographical knowledge about China.

Session 2
Rich Colours and Competing Workshops: the Painting Profession in 16th-Century Venice

Dr Angelo Lo Conte, Associate Professor of Academy of Visual Arts of the Hong Kong Baptist University, will discuss the painting profession in the 16th-century Venice. Starting from the analysis of artworks presented in the exhibition, his talk explores workshop practice in 16th-century Venice, uncovering business strategies and presenting an overview of the complex cultural, artistic, and social environment influencing the careers of Venetian painters.

Date: 2024.01.20 (Saturday)
Time: 2:30–3:30 pm (Session 1); 3:30–4:30 pm (Session 2)
Venue: The Hall, 1/F, Hong Kong Museum of Art
Speakers: Dr Marco Caboara and Dr Angelo Lo Conte
Language: English
Fee: Free
Seats for each session*: 80
*Enrollment is not required. Seats available on a first-come, first-served basis.

【Theatrical Tours: The Venetian Loves】 (Concluded)
What sparks and cross-century dialogues might emerge when a 21st-century Hong Kong woman encounters a famous 16th-century Venetian painter? Humanities student Bella, who has an interest in culture and art, visits the exhibition “The Hong Kong Jockey Club Series: Titian and the Venetian Renaissance from the Uffizi”. Through the crossing of time, she serendipitously meets like-minded “Tin” and they wander around the exhibition hall, looking at paintings while sharing their perspectives on art, love, faith and more. Through classic works by numerous Venetian painters, the animated docent tour vividly brings Renaissance art to life, unfolding an artistic journey like no other.

Date: 2024.01.21 (Sunday), 2024.01.27 (Saturday) and 2024.02.03 (Saturday)
Time: 2:00–3:00 pm and 4:00–5:00 pm
Venue: The Special Gallery, 2/F, Hong Kong Museum of Art
Language: Cantonese
Note: Participants must hold a valid exhibition ticket or Museum Pass. Enrollment is not required. Limited quota available on a first-come, first-served basis.

Portrait Drawing WorkshopThe quota has been filled. Thank you!
With today’s advanced technology, one only needs to upload a portrait and click a button on the computer to transform the image into any artistic style. Yet, a hand-painted portrait has a sense of warmth that relatively a computer cannot replicate, just like the portraits in the “The Hong Kong Jockey Club Series: Titian and the Venetian Renaissance from the Uffizi” exhibition, which certainly consist of more texture and warmth than a computer can produce.

Hong Kong illustrator Moving Drawing specialises in using speed drawing to capture people and events in the city. With just a pen and sketchbook, she encapsulates scenes that disappear instantly. In the “Portrait Drawing Workshop”, she will teach participants how to master speed drawing techniques to outline people and emotions with simple lines swiftly.

Date: Public Workshop: 2024.01.28 (Sunday); Parent-kid Workshop: 2024.02.04 (Sunday) and 2024.02.17 (Saturday)
Time: 2:00–3:00pm
Venue: Studio 2, B/F, Hong Kong Museum of Art
Language: Cantonese
Quota for each session*: 30
*First-come, first-served.

Surprise Portrait Drawing
During the Renaissance, Venetian painters used vibrant colours and painted lifelike portraits with defined layers of oil paint. Every portrait reflects people’s inner beauty at the time, as well as the love and beliefs they cherished. Portrait paintings have always spoken of much more than physical appearances.

Illustrator Moving Drawing likes to wander the city and create sketches to capture people’s emotions. With the use of simple lines, she gently encapulates a specific moment. At the “Surprise Portrait Drawing”, she will be at the exhibition gallery, randomly selecting visitors to commemorate a touching moment for that special “you” while appreciating art at the HKMoA. Please mark your calendar to visit the exhibition, as everyone has a chance to become the lucky one chosen to be the subject of her sketch and receive such a portrait drawing on the spot as a souvenir.

Date: 2024.01.28 (Sunday), 2024.02.04 (Sunday) and 2024.02.17 (Saturday)
Time: 3:15–4:45pm
Venue: The Special Gallery, 2/F, Hong Kong Museum of Art
Language: Cantonese
Note: Participants must hold a valid exhibition ticket or Museum Pass. Enrollment is not required.

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Highlighted Artworks

  • Hong Kong Museum of Art (11)

    Titian (Tiziano Vecellio)
    (Pieve di Cadore, 1488/1490 – Venice, 1576)
    Madonna of Mercy

    1573 – 1574

    Oil on canvas
    154 x 144 cm
    Gallerie degli Uffizi

  • Hong Kong Museum of Art (12)

    Giovanni Mansueti
    (Venice, documented between 1485 and 1526)
    Christ Among the Doctors

    ca. 1500 – 1505

    Oil on canvas
    108 x 214 cm
    Gallerie degli Uffizi

  • Hong Kong Museum of Art (13)

    Paolo Veronese
    (Verona, 1528 – Venice, 1588)
    Baptism of Christ

    ca. 1580

    Oil on canvas
    196 x 133 cm
    Gallerie degli Uffizi

  • Hong Kong Museum of Art (14)

    Paolo Veronese
    (Verona, 1528 – Venice, 1588)
    Madonna and Child, with Saint John the Baptist, Saint Louis of Toulouse, and the Two Patrons Giovanni Bevilacqua Lazise and Lucrezia Malaspina Bevilacqua Lazise

    ca. 1546 – 1548

    Oil on paper mounted on canvas
    50 x 36 cm
    Gallerie degli Uffizi

  • Hong Kong Museum of Art (15)

    Tintoretto (Jacopo Robusti) and workshop
    (Venice, 1518 – 1594)
    The Miracle of the Slave

    Last quarter of the 16th century

    Oil on canvas
    174 x 270 cm
    Lucca, Museo Nazionale di Palazzo Mansi

  • Hong Kong Museum of Art (16)

    Titian (Tiziano Vecellio)
    (Pieve di Cadore 1488/1490 – Venice, 1576)

    1515 – 1520

    Oil on canvas
    69.7 x 73.5 cm
    Gallerie degli Uffizi

  • Hong Kong Museum of Art (17)

    Tintoretto (Jacopo Robusti)
    (Venice, 1518 – 1594)
    Leda and the Swan

    1551 – 1555

    Oil on canvas
    147.5 x 147.5 cm
    Gallerie degli Uffizi

  • Hong Kong Museum of Art (18)

    Bassano the Younger (Francesco da Ponte)
    (Bassano del Grappa, 1549 – Venice, 1592)
    The Rape of Europa

    1570 – 1580

    Oil on canvas
    102 x 122 cm
    Gallerie degli Uffizi

  • Hong Kong Museum of Art (19)

    Titian (Tiziano Vecellio)
    (Pieve di Cadore, 1488/90 – Venice, 1576)
    Portrait of Tommaso Mosti

    ca. 1520

    Oil on canvas
    85 x 69 cm
    Gallerie degli Uffizi

  • Hong Kong Museum of Art (20)

    Titian (Tiziano Vecellio)
    (Pieve di Cadore, 1488/90 – Venice, 1576)
    Venus and Cupid with a Dog and a Partridge

    1550 – 1560

    Oil on canvas
    139 x 195 cm
    Gallerie degli Uffizi

  • Hong Kong Museum of Art (21)

    Tintoretto (Jacopo Robusti)
    (Venice, 1518 – 1594)
    Venus, Cupid and Vulcan

    1550 – 1555

    Oil on canvas
    85 x 197 cm
    Gallerie degli Uffizi

  • Hong Kong Museum of Art (22)

    Titian (Tiziano Vecellio) and workshop
    (Pieve di Cadore, 1488/90 – Venice, 1576)
    Ecce hom*o

    ca. 1550

    Oil on canvas
    71 x 56 cm
    Gallerie degli Uffizi

  • Hong Kong Museum of Art (23)

    Paolo Veronese and workshop
    (Verona, 1528 – Venice,1588)
    Hercules between Vice and Virtue

    ca. 1565

    Oil on canvas
    62 x 48 cm
    Gallerie degli Uffizi

  • Hong Kong Museum of Art (24)

    Titian (Tiziano Vecellio) and workshop
    (Pieve di Cadore, 1488/90 – Venice, 1576)
    Battle of Cadore

    1560 – 1570

    Oil on canvas
    121 x 134 cm
    Gallerie degli Uffizi

  • Hong Kong Museum of Art (25)

    Titian (Tiziano Vecellio) and workshop
    (Pieve di Cadore, 1488/1490 – Venice, 1576)
    Portrait of Emperor Charles V

    1550 – 1553

    Oil on canvas
    196 x 100 cm
    Gallerie degli Uffizi

  • Hong Kong Museum of Art (26)

    Cima da Conegliano
    (Conegliano, ca. 1459 – Venice, 1517/1518)
    St Jerome in the Desert

    ca. 1510 – 1515

    Oil on panel
    33 x 27.5 cm
    Gallerie degli Uffizi

  • Hong Kong Museum of Art (27)

    (Castelfranco Veneto, ca. 1478 – Venice, 1510)
    Moses Undergoing Trial by Fire

    1502 – 1503

    Oil on panel
    89 x 72 cm
    Gallerie degli Uffizi

  • Hong Kong Museum of Art (28)

Hong Kong Museum of Art (2024)


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Name: Corie Satterfield

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Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.