Homemade Yeast Doughnuts Recipe from Dine and Dish (2024)

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I’m not always the most giving mom. I mean, I know that there are people out there who would do anything for their kids… who want the best of the best for them. Of course, I want what’s best for my kids and I want them to do well in life and to succeed. I love them dearly and I would do almost anything for them. Almost…

When it comes to food, I just can’t seem to sacrifice the best for them. The best piece of steak would be gobbled down and not appreciated for it’s flavor by a 4 year old. My 9 year old is only concerned with how much he can get into his mouth in the shortest amount of time… he barely even tastes what he puts in there.

Why am I sharing this with you today? Because when it comes to doughnut holes from our favorite Daylight Donuts shop up the road, I always peer into each bag before handing them out and save the best of the best for myself. The doughnut holes that are perfectly cooked… not too done, still warm, and soft and fluffy. Most mom’s would probably give those to their kids, taking the doughnut holes that aren’t as stellar. But, I’m selfish and if I am going to spend any calories on doughnuts, those little gems need to be the best of the best to make it worth it!

My kids and I decided to make Homemade Yeast Doughnuts and doughnut holes this past weekend. They helped with cutting the dough and dunking the doughnuts into the glaze. Luckily, almost every single doughnut was the best of the best, so I didn’t have to be selfish mama. We could all enjoy soft, tender, warm doughnuts and doughnut holes without my inner struggle regarding my un-willingness to sacrifice the best doughnut holes for my kids.

Homemade Yeast Doughnuts & Doughnut Holes for the Bread Machine ABM

Homemade Yeast Doughnuts Recipe from Dine and Dish (5)

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Homemade Yeast Doughnuts

Author Dine & Dish


  • 2 1/4 teaspoons active dry yeast
  • 2 tablespoons warm water
  • 3/4 cup lukewarm milk
  • 1/4 cup white sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 eggs
  • 3 tablespoons shortening
  • 2-1/2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 quart vegetable oil for frying
  • For the glaze:
  • 3 tablespoons butter
  • 1 cup confectioners' sugar
  • 3/4 teaspoon vanilla
  • 2 tablespoons hot water


  • Place the first 8 ingredients into your bread machine in the order recommended in the users manual (Mine suggests all liquid first, sugars next, flour and yeast last). Turn on and set to dough cycle setting.

  • Once the dough cycle is complete, turn the dough out onto a floured surface and roll out to 1/2 inch thickness. Using a floured doughnut / biscuit cutter, cut into desired shapes.

  • Melt butter in a saucepan over medium heat. Stir in confectioners' sugar and vanilla until smooth. Remove from heat, and stir in hot water one tablespoon at a time until the icing is somewhat thin, but not watery. Set aside.

  • Heat oil in a deep-fryer or large heavy skillet to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Slide doughnuts into the hot oil using a wide spatula. Turn doughnuts over as they rise to the surface. Fry doughnuts on each side until golden brown. Remove from hot oil, to drain on a wire rack. Dip doughnuts into the glaze while still hot, and set onto wire racks to drain off excess.

Reader Interactions


  1. Homemade Yeast Doughnuts Recipe from Dine and Dish (6)Amy | She Wears Many Hats says

    Oooh! Delightful. Homemade pasta and now homemade doughnuts? That’s it. I’m moving in.

  2. Homemade Yeast Doughnuts Recipe from Dine and Dish (7)TidyMom says

    Amy we can share a room…….I’m moving in to Kristen’s too!!

    This is NOT a post I should be looking at at 6am! now I’m craving donuts! Wish I still had my bread machine 🙁

  3. Homemade Yeast Doughnuts Recipe from Dine and Dish (8)Lisa M says

    Girl, I could shove every one of these delectable yummies down my pie-hole (or doughnut-hole) this very second! 🙂 Lisa

  4. Homemade Yeast Doughnuts Recipe from Dine and Dish (9)Natashya says

    And… Print!
    I am so making these – all for me!
    Thanks so much for sharing the recipe.

  5. Homemade Yeast Doughnuts Recipe from Dine and Dish (10)Amanda says

    Love that you cooked with the kids.. and made such a fun delicious food!! Can I be your kid??? 🙂

  6. Homemade Yeast Doughnuts Recipe from Dine and Dish (11)Sylvie @ Gourmande in the Kitchen says

    I think moms should get to be a little selfish every once in a while, go ahead enjoy the best doughnut holes, you deserve it!

  7. Homemade Yeast Doughnuts Recipe from Dine and Dish (12)JenniferA says

    Such a cute post – love your honesty here! I agree – if you are going to spend the calories on a doughnut, it should be an awesome donut and these look fantastic.

  8. Homemade Yeast Doughnuts Recipe from Dine and Dish (13)Flavia says

    They look better than any doughnut I’ve ever eaten from a doughnut shop. Doughnut holes are my absolute favorite!

  9. Homemade Yeast Doughnuts Recipe from Dine and Dish (14)Maria says

    The doughnuts look perfect!

  10. Homemade Yeast Doughnuts Recipe from Dine and Dish (16)The Teacher Cooks says

    Kristen, I am so impressed! These doughnuts look as if they came from a bakery. Come teach my class how to do these. They look so yummy!

  11. Homemade Yeast Doughnuts Recipe from Dine and Dish (17)marla {family fresh cooking} says

    Kristin, I knew there were so many reasons I love you. I too would dig frantically through that bag until I found the perfect donut. Then I would proceed to beg them for theirs 😉 Thanks for this recipe – my kids would love me more if I made these. xo

  12. Homemade Yeast Doughnuts Recipe from Dine and Dish (18)Deliciously Organic says

    These look fantastic. I can understand why you save some for yourself. I like your combination of ingredients for the glaze. Gotta give it a try!

  13. Homemade Yeast Doughnuts Recipe from Dine and Dish (19)Cookbook Queen says


    Did you know donuts are my all time favorite food?? These look AMAZING AMAZING AMAZING. We also have a Daylight Donuts in town…best donuts ever. But these look better!! I want some. NOW.

  14. Homemade Yeast Doughnuts Recipe from Dine and Dish (20)Lori @ RecipeGirl says

    I’m not sure I’d have the willpower to stay away from these while on WW. This from the girl who is making pancakes for breakfast this AM. Daily struggle. Food is too good, isn’t it?? These look like some great donuts.

  15. Homemade Yeast Doughnuts Recipe from Dine and Dish (21)Amber | Bluebonnets & Brownies says

    I don’t blame you one little bit! Too many moms always put the kids first. Moms need to come first in their own lives at least some of the time, and ESPECIALLY when it comes to something like fresh donut holes!

  16. Homemade Yeast Doughnuts Recipe from Dine and Dish (22)The Lucky Wife says

    YUM!! I always say I will share anything EXCEPT my food… lol. And of course, you make some good points about kids not really knowing how to appreciate some foods!

  17. Homemade Yeast Doughnuts Recipe from Dine and Dish (23)Katie | GoodLife Eats says

    Donuts is something we have been wanting to make but they always seem so….annoying? (with the frying and all) You’ve inspired me to give it a try.

  18. Homemade Yeast Doughnuts Recipe from Dine and Dish (24)Cathy/ShowFoodChef says

    I’m adding these to my “things I can make from the dough cycle on my bread machine”. I’ve been obsessed lately with it and these are perfect. Fun post!

  19. Homemade Yeast Doughnuts Recipe from Dine and Dish (25)Tracy says

    Wow, your doughnuts look incredible! I can’t wait to try these!

  20. Homemade Yeast Doughnuts Recipe from Dine and Dish (26)Jamie | My Baking Addcition says

    I am a sucker for doughnut holes…I love that this recipe can be made in a bread maker. One day I’ll invest in a fryer, which seems much easier than doing it on the stove top. Lovely photos!

  21. Homemade Yeast Doughnuts Recipe from Dine and Dish (27)Lydia (The Perfect Pantry) says

    I’m definitely partial to the doughnut holes, but honestly, your doughnuts look so good that I’d happily have whatever you could spare!

  22. Homemade Yeast Doughnuts Recipe from Dine and Dish (29)Robyn | Add a Pinch says

    Donuts are Little Buddy’s weakness. I really should make them with him soon. You are my inspiration!

  23. Homemade Yeast Doughnuts Recipe from Dine and Dish (30)Georgia @ The Comfort of Cooking says

    Me oh my, these doughnuts look wonderful Kristen! So decadent and delicious, and my kind of breakfast! Thanks for sharing. You have a beautiful blog and I’m so glad to have found it. I’m looking forward to exploring your recipes and seeing more! 🙂 – Georgia

  24. Homemade Yeast Doughnuts Recipe from Dine and Dish (31)Wenderly says

    My daughter Sassafras loves, I mean LOVES doughnuts. I got her a doughnut pan and doughnut mix for Christmas just so I wouldn’t be badgered by her to go get doughnuts every Saturday (me selfish mama too). We have now used up all of the doughnut mix so your timing is splendid! I shall pass this on to Sassafras a.s.a.p.!

    Thank you! ♥

  25. Homemade Yeast Doughnuts Recipe from Dine and Dish (32)Deborah says

    I’m right there with you!! Even though Abbi is only 2, she’s notorious for wanting to eat whatever I’m eating. I’ll save things until she goes to bed or is occupied in another room! These doughnuts look absolutely perfect!

  26. Homemade Yeast Doughnuts Recipe from Dine and Dish (33)susan says

    I get indigestion just watching my ten year old son eat! What is up with that? Is it the age? Anyway…do I have to buy another appliance? Your doughnuts look so perfect that I feel as though I need a bread machine. Your cooking project with the kids is a good one.

  27. Homemade Yeast Doughnuts Recipe from Dine and Dish (34)Hilary says

    oh my! I so didn’t need to know that I could make doughnuts at my house! 😉
    Btw, you’re being featured in frugalrecipesdaily . Cool to see how connected everything is .

  28. Homemade Yeast Doughnuts Recipe from Dine and Dish (35)Alison Moore Smith says

    Pretzels, pasta, now doughnuts. I’m getting fat just reading. Yum.

  29. Homemade Yeast Doughnuts Recipe from Dine and Dish (36)Tracy Gervais says

    Can you teach me to cook like you? Or can I come eat there for let’s say 7 meals a week! Alli is very impressed ……she said mom…. Can you do that or ask her for some? I see a business in your future!! Sell them at Emily’s with their new coffee 😉

  30. Homemade Yeast Doughnuts Recipe from Dine and Dish (37)Lorna says

    Help! These look wonderful, and amazing timing too–my little guy was just asking if we could make doughnuts, “you do know how to make doughnuts, don’t you Mommy?” Now I do!

    Except. . . I don’t have a bread machine 🙁 Can anyone tell me what to do to achieve “set to dough cycle setting”? Do I let it rise –once? twice?

    Thanks for the help, and Thank You for the recipe!

  31. Homemade Yeast Doughnuts Recipe from Dine and Dish (38)Steve @ HPD says

    was on the farm this weekend and had homemade doughnuts. tough call, the doughnuts or the cinnamon rolls … had to eat plenty of both to decide which was better!

    when folks think about hawai’i, it’s usually the beach, the sun, and the waves that come to mind. but what I miss most about living there are the malasadas, doughnuts fried up on the side of the road sold from carts and trailers. you’d go for a saturday morning bike ride and grap a bag on the way home. mmmm, mmmm, mmmm.

  32. Homemade Yeast Doughnuts Recipe from Dine and Dish (39)EatLiveRun says

    Love all these wonderful doughnut recipes that are exploding all over the blogworld recently! Yours look absolutely delicious!

  33. Homemade Yeast Doughnuts Recipe from Dine and Dish (40)Emm says

    Sounds yummy – do you let the doughnuts rise after cutting to shape and before frying?

  34. Homemade Yeast Doughnuts Recipe from Dine and Dish (41)Debbi Does Dinner Healthy says

    They look amazing! I’m sure I would have a hard time controlling myself! 🙂

  35. Homemade Yeast Doughnuts Recipe from Dine and Dish (42)SMITH BITES says

    i look at this situation as being selfless – really Kristen, think about it . . . you’re saving your children from the calories, from the sugar, from having to run on a treadmill to get rid of all that sugar and calories . . . yep, i’m seeing this as a very, very selfless act . . . in fact, i vote you mother of the year!!!

  36. Homemade Yeast Doughnuts Recipe from Dine and Dish (43)sunisa says

    MOG. you make me want to have donut hole right now. They are my favorite part of doughnut, but what I’m I going to do now 11 pm !!! I have to wait until tomorrow to try it, so I will not feel to guilty about it 🙁

  37. Homemade Yeast Doughnuts Recipe from Dine and Dish (44)Mrs Ergül says

    I’ll give this a try! I made one previously that I didn’t fancy because it turned out too rich, too much butter and eggs. Yours look promising! Thanks for sharing!

  38. Homemade Yeast Doughnuts Recipe from Dine and Dish (45)Kathy - Panini Happy says

    Those look so professional (well, of course!)! Now I’m really wishing I’d gotten my bread machine fixed while it was still under warranty. It’s been this massive “paperweight” in my pantry for the past 5 years. Sigh…sounds like it’s time to find a repair shop. 🙂

  39. Homemade Yeast Doughnuts Recipe from Dine and Dish (46)LeAnne @ The Purposed Heart says

    That is so funny! I would probably do the same thing if I had kids old enough to eat doughnuts 🙂 Thanks for sharing this recipe. It looks awesome! – LeAnne

  40. Homemade Yeast Doughnuts Recipe from Dine and Dish (47)Brenda @ a farmgirl's dabbles says

    This brings back so many fun memories of making donuts with my mom and sisters. So why haven’t I done this with MY girls yet?! Yours look completely delicious – they’re beautiful!

  41. Homemade Yeast Doughnuts Recipe from Dine and Dish (48)Sweet Bella Roos says

    Learning to make homemade doughnuts was on my list of things to do this year, and your recipe looks perfect! Thanks so much for sharing. (And I’m with you, my 4 year old would never appreciate the “best bite” haha)

  42. Homemade Yeast Doughnuts Recipe from Dine and Dish (51)Rebecca says

    Wow these doughnuts are awesome! Here is a picture of the doughnuts I just made

  43. Homemade Yeast Doughnuts Recipe from Dine and Dish (52)Gina says

    HA- Kristen. This totally made me laugh- because we do the same thing. I always thought I was the only mom out there that would save the best of certain things for myself. Now I feel better & I am going to enhance that even more once I make these doughnuts. 🙂

    • Homemade Yeast Doughnuts Recipe from Dine and Dish (53)Alethea says

      You really make it seem so easy with your presentation but I find this
      matter to be really something which I think I would never understand.
      It seems too complicated and very broad for me. I am looking forward for your next post, I’ll
      try to get the hang of it!

    • Homemade Yeast Doughnuts Recipe from Dine and Dish (54)www.filipinoscribe.com says

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts on quesadilla maker instructions.


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    • Homemade Yeast Doughnuts Recipe from Dine and Dish (56)Vaughn says

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  44. Homemade Yeast Doughnuts Recipe from Dine and Dish (57)Jill Lowell says

    Just finished making these for our Christmas morning treat. They were everything you said and more. Thank you for posting and sharing the recipe!!!

  45. Homemade Yeast Doughnuts Recipe from Dine and Dish (58)Pat Wogan says

    I remember when you used to make canned biscuit donuts at home….and once in a while I would come home to smoked ceramic tile behind the stove where the oil got a wee bit too hot and caught on fire…The soda box was in the cabinet to the left of the stove. Anyway, practice makes perfect and your donuts look like perfection!

  46. Homemade Yeast Doughnuts Recipe from Dine and Dish (59)Katie says

    Can u tell me how to do this with out a bread machine? Email if possible. Thank you

  47. Homemade Yeast Doughnuts Recipe from Dine and Dish (61)Mellis Mama says

    Just made these today — possibly the best doughnuts that I’ve ever had. Thanks!


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Homemade Yeast Doughnuts Recipe from Dine and Dish (2024)


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Name: Aron Pacocha

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Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.