FAQ | Leak Defense System | Water Damage & Leak Protection | Residential & Commercial (2024)

Leak Defense System

Point of Leak Detector (POLD)

  • What is the Leak Defense System?

      The Leak Defense System is an automatic shut off valve designed to detect leaks and protect your home against catastrophic water damage. Here is a video to help explain: Watch Here

  • How does the Leak Defense System work?

      The Leak Defense System monitors water flow using thermodynamic probe sensors and will alarm, automatically shutting off the water, when user-set flow and time parameters are exceeded. Here is a video to help explain: Watch Here

  • My panel is showing a connection error what do I do?

      Connection errors for API's will refer to the All-Purpose Interface. This unit is either not receiving power or out of range to the Control Panel. Connection error for the LDS will refer to the Leak Defense System valve unit. This unit is either not receiving power or out of range to the Control Panel. For troubleshooting assistance, please call 1-866-410-1134, option 2 for technical support.

  • What do I do if the system shows no flow when water is running?

      Ensure there is not an open bypass around the Leak Defense System. To review the calibration settings or to receive additional assistance, please contact 1-866-410-1134, option 2 for technical support.

  • Can the Leak Defense System be used in commercial applications?

      Yes, the Leak Defense System is adaptable to most residential and commercial applications. The Leak Defense System can be installed on pipe sizes up to 8” in diameter.

  • What kind of maintenance does the Leak Defense System require?

      We suggest using the Control Panel to turn the water off and then back on monthly to ensure the valve is moving freely. We also suggest that an “Alarm Condition” be created occasionally to check the system's functionality. If you are using the Wi-Fi app, check to make sure you are receiving the notification that your system has alarmed via the app.

  • What do I do if my system has a lot of bounce?

      We recommend a Spring Check Valve is installed upstream of the Leak Defense System to stop backflow from occurring (which may lead to bounce). If you have a Spring Check Valve already in place, please call 1-866-410-1134, option 2 for technical support.

  • How long does a typical installation take?

      A complete installation of the Leak Defense System is comprised of three key elements. First, the plumbing must be completed; second, the wiring and programming of the system settings must be completed; and third, the installer must take time to explain the systems functionality to the owner. Obviously, all of this can vary from installation to installation. Two man crew installations seem to be most efficient. As you become accustomed to installing the Leak Defense System, the amount of time required for each installation will obviously decrease.

  • Will I need any special tools or supplies to install the Leak Defense System?

      The majority of the tools and supplies needed to complete a Leak Defense System installation are items a plumbing/HVAC installer will typically stock in their service vehicle. You may view a complete list of Tools and Supplies on page 4 of the Installation Guide.

  • I am a Plumber not an Electrician; will I be able to complete the wiring portion of the installation myself?

      Yes. While the installation of the Leak Defense System itself does not involve wiring, some of the accessories require low-voltage wiring. This low-voltage wiring can easily be accomplished by following the steps in our Installation Manual. For additional questions or assistance, please contact 1-866-410-1134, option 2 for technical support.

  • My wholesaler doesn't stock the Leak Defense System. Where can I purchase them?

      Please call our toll-free Customer Service Hotline at 1.866.410.1134 and a Sentinel Hydrosolutions representative will be happy to help you locate a local wholesaler.

  • Will my Homeowners Insurance carrier give me a discount if I have a Leak Defense System installed in my home?

      Many Homeowners Insurance companies do offer premium discounts for policy holders who have leak detection devices installed in their homes. The discounts are determined by the Department of Insurance of each state. It is likely that your insurance carrier would offer one as well.

  • If I want to shut the water off to my home completely will I be able to control this using the Leak Defense System?

      You can easily turn the water to your home off at the touch screen control panel, or from your Leak Defense System mobile app, by pressing "WATER" and "TURN WATER OFF".

  • What if I am in the shower and exceed the programmed flow/time limit will the Leak Defense System shut the water off before I am done?

      While in the HOME Scene, the Leak Defense System will start a warning cycle once the flow parameters are exceeded. It will close the valve for a moment, and you will feel the water flow drop and raise again as the valve is reopened. Without leaving the shower, you will have about 2 minutes to shut the faucet off yourself. Leave it off for about 30 seconds and the Leak Defense System will see that water flow has stopped and it will automatically reset itself so you may finish your shower. If water flow does not stop during this warning cycle or the system is in the AWAY Scene, it will fully alarm and shut the water off.

  • Can the time to alarm be adjusted?

      For panels purchased before mid-July 2020 or with blue background, press the time to the right of the applicable Scene name (HOME or AWAY), enter in the desired time (HH:MM), and press the upper right-hand box.

      For panels purchased after mid-July 2020 or with black background, press the time in the lower left-hand corner while in the applicable Scene (HOME or AWAY), enter in the new number of minutes (i.e. for 1 hour, enter 60 minutes), and press the upper right-hand box.

  • How do I change Scenes?

      For panels purchased before mid-July 2020 or with blue background, press the desired Scene name: Home, Away, or Standby.

      For panels purchased after mid-July 2020 or with black background, press the Scene select button and choose your desired Scene: Home, Away, or Standby.

  • I'm leaving on a trip, and I don't want any water trouble. How can I turn my water off completely?

      You can easily turn the water to your home off at the touch screen control panel, or from your Leak Defense System mobile app, by pressing "WATER" and "TURN WATER OFF".

  • The alarm is going off. What should I do?

      1) Clear or silence the alarm (to disable the siren, press "SILENCE" or "CLEAR ALARM". Water will still be off). 2) Check for possible leaks (check faucets, toilets, and appliances). 3) Turn Water On (Keep an eye on the flow percentage after the valve is open). If your system is still showing flow, please call 1-866-410-1134, option 2 for technical support.

  • My water is off. How do I turn it back on?

      Tap the "WATER" button and choose "WATER ON".

  • What is the process to purchase a Leak Defense System?

      The first step in the process is to have an assessment completed at your home. A licensed plumber will fill out a one-page form with basic questions about the home and where various items are situated on the waterline. This will give us an idea of where the system will be installed and what items would need to be accommodated or bypassed (Like: determining cyclical water items, accommodating irrigation, filtration, pool fills, well equipment, etc). It will also give the plumber an idea of how the system will be installed, and what the labor proposal should include. For additional assistance, please call our office at 1-866-410-1134, option 1 for customer support.

  • Where should the Control Panel be located in my home?

      We suggest the Control Panel be located inside the home near the most often used entrance/exit or near your security alarm panel. This allows for easy accessibility and interaction with the system during your daily routine. If you are connecting the Leak Defense System to a security system or using the app, the Control Panel may be installed in a mechanical room where it won't detract from the décor of the home.

  • Where is the system installed in the water line?

      The Leak Defense System will be installed on the main water line where it enters the home. A licensed plumber will install the system and they will determine the exact location during the pre-installation property assessment.

  • How does the Leak Defense System differentiate between water flow caused by regular water usage and water flow caused by a leak?

      The Leak Defense System does not differentiate between regular water usage or water flow caused by a leak. When water begins flowing, the adjustable time parameter begins to count down. If water continues to flow without a break and it exceeds the user-set time limit, the system will alarm and shut the water off. The time parameters can be easily adjusted for both the HOME scene and the AWAY scene.

  • Can the Leak Defense System be connected to my home security system?

      The Leak Defense System can be integrated with most home monitoring systems using our All-Purpose Interface (API).

  • There is no water flowing, but the bar graph on my Control Panel shows flow. What should I do?

      1) Take note of the current flow rate indicated on your control panel. 2) Press the "Water" button and turn the water off. 3) Press "MAIN" or "BACK" to see the home screen. 4) Has the flow rate dropped to 0%? If YES, you will want to investigate further to see if you can isolate the source. Consider checking for running faucets, toilets, showers, ice makers, and any outdoor hose bibs. If you still cannot find the source, please call 1-866-410-1134, option 2 for technical support.

  • Where would I want POLD's placed in my home?

      POLD's are great for any high-risk or high-value area, e.g. upstairs washing machine, water heater in the attic, refrigerator/icemaker, art gallery, or area with valuables that you don't want to take the chance of them getting wet, etc.

  • How do I reset an alarm triggered by a POLD?

      Once you have confirmed there are no active leaks, slide the battery cover open on the back of the alarming POLD and firmly press the internal reset button (models made before Jan. 2022). The POLD will stop "chirping" and you can then clear the alarm and restore water from the touch screen control panel. For troubleshooting assistance, please call 1-866-410-1134, option 2 for technical support.

  • I have an existing Leak Defense System. Can I add POLD's, and if so, how?

      If your system was purchased in 2018 or later, you can purchase POLD's directly from us and simply add them to your control panel. For details, please call 1-866-410-1134, option 1 for customer support.

  • How far can the POLD be from the control panel and still maintain a connection?

      Since each home varies in levels of insulation, we recommend keeping the POLD within 100' of the control panel. This can easily be tested upon installation to make sure there is communication.

  • Can I have my home security notified when one of my POLD's alarms?

      Yes. You will need an LDS-3-API (All-Purpose Interface) relay module. One of the technicians from your security company will need to complete the connection between the API to your home security system. For additional assistance, please contact 1-866-410-1134, option 2 for technical support.

  • Does installing POLD's require a plumber or electrician?

      No, the Control Panel will need to be plugged into a non-switch non-GFI outlet and each sensor is powered by 2 AAA batteries.

  • How long do the batteries last in the POLD's? Will I be notified when the batteries need to be replaced?

      The POLD uses two AAA batteries. The average battery life is 2 to 3 years but may vary depending on conditions. When the battery life has dropped below a certain level, the control panel will display a low-battery alert and you will receive remote notifications if enabled through the Leak Defense System mobile app.

  • How many sensors can I put in my house and still be notified when they alarm?

      Up to 15 POLD zones can be handled on one Control Panel. Multiple POLD's can be handled in each zone.

FAQ | Leak Defense System | Water Damage & Leak Protection | Residential & Commercial (2024)


How do you reset a Leak Defense System? ›

Dry the POLD sensor pins or Water Detection Cable. The unit should self-clear once the sensors are dry. If this does not happen, open the battery compartment on the POLD and press the reset button for 1-3 seconds until silent (or remove and re-insert one battery).

How does a Leak Defense System work? ›

The Leak Defense System continuously monitors your properties for hidden leaks and automatically shuts off the water and alerts you if one is detected. Easily control the water flow using the on-site control panel or access it on the go with the mobile app.

How do I contact leak defense? ›

For additional questions or assistance, please contact 1-866-410-1134, option 2 for technical support. My wholesaler doesn't stock the Leak Defense System.

What is the trip rate for leak defense? ›

HOME mode In the HOME mode the default setting for the Time to Alarm is set to 5 minutes and the Flow to Alarm (Trip Rate) is set to 10%. This means that water must flow continuously for 5 minutes above a trip rate of 10% for the system to alert. At any point when the TRIP RATE drops below 10% the clock resets.

How do you reset the leak controller? ›

Put a coin into the sensor or put a small amount of water on the sensor. The valve will close sounding the alarm and flashing the LED 4 times continuously. Open the valve again by turning the front knob ¼ turn clockwise to the green mark on the cover and the system will reset and be ready for installation..

How does residential leak detection work? ›

Leak detection systems work by monitoring water flow through either a mechanical turbine or ultrasonic wavelengths. These leak detection systems observe the pattern of the water flow, either by counting the volume of water passing through the sensor or sonically recording the time delay.

What are the disadvantages of leak detection? ›

Detection cable system

One time usable, if the cable detects a leak or comes into contact with spilt oil, it becomes inoperable and must be changed before the system can detect a second leak. Expensive maintenance, each time oil comes into contact with the cable, it needs to be changed. Slow operating time.

Who pays for a leak? ›

Who must pay to fix a water leak? A water company covers the costs of repairing the pipes regardless of whether it is on your property. Some companies might ask you to pay a fee, but others will not — you must contact your water company to know what you are accountable for.

Can I claim compensation for a leak? ›

If the flood or leak was caused by your neighbour being careless, for example, they left the bath to overflow, you could make a claim against your neighbour on the grounds of nuisance or negligence. You could claim for the damage caused to your belongings and compensation for inconvenience.

Who is responsible for the leak? ›

Leaks at home

Leaks in or on your property are your responsibility. Our step-by-step guide advises what to do when you get a leak at home. This includes identifying leaks, checking pipe responsibility and arranging repair.

Why is leak detection so expensive? ›

Why is leak detection so expensive? There is no one process for leak detection. The high price comes from using many different devices and products to locate the issue. You don't want to go for a budget option when it comes to leak detection in your home.

How many gallons of water does a leak use? ›

Checking for Leaks

The average household's leaks can account for nearly 10,000 gallons of water wasted every year and ten percent of homes have leaks that waste 90 gallons or more per day. Common types of leaks found in the home are worn toilet flappers, dripping faucets, and other leaking valves.

Is leak detection worth it? ›

Ensures No Further Property Damage

Water damage is a nightmare for homeowners, and can cost you so much in repairs that it'll leave you seeing stars. All because of a problem you can't even see. It's worth getting it checked out and stopping the rising water damage repair bill in its tracks.

How do I reset my LeakBreaker? ›

To reset the LeakBreaker, completely dry off the sensor and then press the open button.

How do I reset my water cop? ›

The valve will remain closed until the unit is manually reset on the WaterCop® panel. After the plumbing problem is fixed, reset the WaterCop® by pressing "open valve" (green circle) on the face of the WaterCop®. Valve will open and green indicator will be lit.

How do you reset a water block? ›

To reset simply unfasten the downstream tube connector, press the red button and fasten the connector back on. WATERBLOCK is now reset and activated to protect your appliance once again. If you have not found answers to your questions, do not hesitate to write to us, the ELTEK team will reply within a few hours.


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